
Niagara Falls Facts for Kids

What we have here, are some simple, yet interesting facts about the Niagara Falls, compiled especially for kids, so as to help them take interest in this natural wonder without having to get into the intricacies.

At 167 ft, the Niagara Falls is definitely not the tallest waterfall in the world. More than 500 waterfalls the world over surpass the 167-ft mark, with the largest among them―the Angel Falls in Venezuela boasting of an enormous height of 3,212 ft, making it about 20 times taller than the Niagara. So, what's so special about the Niagara Falls that has made it so popular all over the world?

For starters, it's the beauty of this region. With the Niagara Falls State Park to its credit, this is one of the most beautiful places in the world. (It's worth mentioning that the Niagara Falls State Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead―the same person who designed the Central Park in New York City.) Then there is the volume of water that comes down the Falls. Also playing a crucial role, are the historical accounts which speak volumes about the death-defying feats of daredevils. All in all, there is no dearth of interesting information about this waterfall.

Interesting Facts About the Niagara Falls

A panoramic view of the Niagara Falls

» The Niagara Falls is a collective name for the three waterfalls that lie in the state of New York in the United States and the Ontario province of Canada, namely the American Falls, Horseshoe Falls (A.K.A. the Canadian Falls), and the Bridal Veil Falls.

» The Niagara Falls came into existence when the Wisconsin glacier began retreating, around 10,000 - 12,000 years ago. Though it remains contested, it is believed that this waterfall derives its name from the Iroquois word Onguiaahra, meaning the 'thundering noise of water'.

Horseshoe Falls (A.K.A. Canadian Falls)

» The Horseshoe Falls is the largest of the three falls with a height of 167 ft. Around 90 percent of the water from river Niagara flows through the Horseshoe Falls. It is also called the Canadian Falls, as two-third of it lies in the Ontario province of Canada.

» On the other hand, the American Falls, with a maximum height of 110 ft, and the Bridal Veil Falls―the smallest among the three―with a vertical drop of 78 ft, both lie entirely in the US territory.

» At 52 m (170 ft), the deepest point of river Niagara, which is located right at the base of the waterfall, is as deep as the height of the waterfall. And as for width, the three falls together span a distance of 2,600 ft.

American Falls in the US territory

» During the peak season, water flows through the Niagara Falls at the rate of 202,000 cu ft per second. The copious amount of water comes down these falls at an unbelievable speed of 32 ft per second.

» As a result of erosion, the falls are retreating at the rate of 1 ft a year. If we are to go by geological evidence, the Horseshoe Falls has retreated by 7 miles as of today. At the ongoing rate, experts are of the opinion that the Niagara Falls will disappear in another 50,000 years.

Niagara Falls frozen in winter

» The Niagara Falls came to a complete standstill as a result of an ice jam in the upper course of the river on March 29, 1848.

» In 1969, the American Falls was dammed for a period of six months and its water was diverted to the Horseshoe Falls to clear the buildup of rock at the bottom.

Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant on the American side

» The Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant on the American side and Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Generating Stations on the Canadian side are the major hydroelectric projects in the vicinity of the Niagara Falls. These plants have an installed capacity of 1,997 and 2,525 megawatts (MW) respectively.

» In October 1829, the famous daredevil from the United States, Sam Patch―also known as 'The Yankee Leaper'―pulled off an amazing feat by jumping into the base of the waterfall from a raised platform, thus becoming the first person to survive a daredevil stunt at the Niagara Falls.

» Renowned tight-rope walker, Jean François "Blondin" Gravelet walked across the falls for the first time in 1859. He didn't just stop at that though. He pulled off this feat a couple of times thereafter; once blindfolded, once with his manager on his back, and on one occasion he even stopped midway to prepare a meal.

» On October 24, 1901, a school teacher hailing from Michigan, Annie Edson Taylor performed a unique publicity stunt and went over the Niagara Falls in a custom-made barrel. Taylor was 63 year old when she pulled off this feat.

» Captain Matthew Webb―the first person to cross the English Channel without any equipment―lost his life attempting to cross the rapids of river Niagara below the Falls in 1889. Other daredevils who died at the Niagara Falls include Canadian tightrope walker, Stephen Peer; Englishmen, Charles Stephens; Greek adventurer, George Stathakis; and American adventurers, Jessie Sharp and Robert "Bob" Overacker.

» Besides all those incidents of daredevilry gone bad, many people have committed suicide and some have met with fatal accidents at the Niagara Falls. The authorities have recovered over 5,000 bodies from the Falls since 1850.

Nik Wallenda's tightrope walk over the Niagara Falls

» It may seem cool, but it is illegal to cross the Niagara Falls! Any attempt to do so can result in a fine of up to USD 10,000―that's if you survive. Nik Wallenda's much-publicized tightrope walk over the Falls in 2012 came after a two-year-long legal battle with the authorities.

Approximately 28 million tourists visit the Niagara Falls every year, thus making it one of the most-visited natural wonders of the world. Some of the most amazing tourist attractions of this region include the Maid of the Mist Tour, Cave of the Winds Tour, Rainbow Bridge, Journey Behind the Falls, etc. Though the waterfall is open all throughout the year, the best time to visit it is between May and September. With all these tourist attractions to its credit, rest assured, a visit to the Niagara Falls is bound to go down the memory lane as one of those unforgettable experiences of your life.

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