
Thailand daily life

Notification: Thailand enjoys a sophisticated media sector, especially compared to the standards prevailing in Southeast Asia, where the Thai media enjoy relative freedom throughout modern history, even though the government has always maintained a certain percentage of control, especially on the audio-visual media. The Thai media is suffering some difficulties, control and interventions since the last coup in 2006.

The television channels in Thailand and more common media at all, and the most famous: Channel 3 and RTA TV-5 and BBTV Channel 7 and Modernine TV and NBT. In the media Alradeofinu are found in Thailand 204 AM stations and 334 station FM.

The newspapers printed in Thailand they enjoy greater freedom of audio-visual media. And printed the vast majority of daily newspapers in the capital, Bangkok. The country can follow the news through newspapers in English and the most important: Bangkok Post, The Nation and the International Herald Tribune.

And enjoy the freedom of the media in the Internet is good, although it is subject to strict government control. Among the most prominent Web sites in English: Chiang Mai Citylife, Isaan News, National News Bureau and Thai Financial Post.
Culture of life

Customs and traditions inherited: Thai culture dating back thousands of years, accounting concepts such as respect for others and respect for the elderly and hierarchical obedience and calm psychological things are very important in Thai society. There have been some changes on these concepts under the influence of the West and neighboring countries. Thais and deal with the importance of a large head which expresses a member of sacred and despise the foot. Therefore, fondling a child's head, for example, is unacceptable, and directing foot statue of Buddha or any other person is a real insult, so it always sits in front of a Buddha statue two men crossbones.

Respect for the elderly is of paramount importance in Thai culture, where your status hierarchies are determined according to age and gender and economic stature might be (in that order). Therefore, the young man always go to an adult with the word "N" first and which expresses respect for him. At the top of the hierarchy of respect in Thailand stands the house of the royal family are expected Thais to keep strangers also on the respect and prestige of the royal family, where it can be interpreted any note about this family as an insult, and therefore it is desirable to refrain from discussions sensitive in this matter with the Thais.

Despite the emotional mood Thais but they keep calm most of the time even during the debates. The explosions, angry or guffaws are considered high Feltana immediately leads to a lack of respect for this person. However, the Thais believe laughter and humor, which are the pillar of the pillars of their culture. And Thais included on the joke with each other. More prevalent and the importance of words in Thai is the word "Sonak", a word that expresses the mood of humor and Hassan, and qualified human being what he is not Sonak (UL Sonak) is an insult.

Trade and haggle (bargain) is an essential part of Thai culture. It is important to conduct business transactions and Mufaslat on prices, according to the rules of Thai culture; Fjab give his goods merchant and respect, and to refrain from exaggerations, is also considered a good joke is an assistant in every sale and purchase. In the merchant will often times at the end of the deal waved banknotes in order to expel bad spirits, and that the first transaction in the daytime is considered good luck for the rest of it is therefore desirable to make purchases in the morning.

Overall, the Thai culture is very religious culture, where he teaches a lot of Thais to become monks for arrival maturity. Religion is a very sensitive in Thailand and must refrain from any gesture that could be interpreted as a disregard for the Buddha. Thai culture and believes in the existence of spirits, where you'll find in almost every home, "House of the Spirits," which looks like a microcosm of the beta supposed to be the dwelling place of spirits in the house of the family. The Thais gift every day for the lives in the house, and the house remains clean and do not always stand in a corner can be shaded.

Although the manifestations of prostitution deployed in major cities, which should caution them, the province of Thai culture in regard to sexual relations.

The method of greeting and peace Michrh and country-specific and is called "Wi" (wai) and used for greeting and farewell and thanks, and vary according to the forms of personal and social status, and used the head and hands and aim to show affection and respect.

If you take your food with the Thais use the tools that ate out Kalmlaak and thorns and chopsticks. Only rice dishes eaten with a fork and spoon the pasta Fbaidan food. If you ask a group of people in the food

Restaurant offers meal family style dishes at the center of a large table, and then you can take a tablespoon or two of

Platter and put it on your rice bowl. Thais usually eat slowly, and upon completion of your food, you leave a little of it in the dish, so that your host knows you're satiated. It is the Thai table manners that taste of each

Dish of saucers on the table. The Thai cuisine is based on four flavors essential, namely: sweet (sugar, fruits, fruits and sweet peppers), sour (vinegar, juice, citrus and tamarind), salty (soy sauce and fish sauce) and hot (spice, pepper and chilli), while the majority of dishes and foods blend of flavors which at least two. Among the most famous Thai spices, pepper, cumin, garlic, ginger, coriander and turmeric.

As for the clothes are not restricted or by specific classes or nationalities or religions.
Mobility in Thailand

Air transport: there are in Thailand today, more than 50 airports internally can track the names and symbols via this link. The aircraft movement in Thailand more roads ease and speed. Of the major airlines in domestic flights in Thailand: AirAsia, Bangkok Airways, Nok Air, Orient Thai, Thai Airways and SGA Airline.

Trains: the rail network linking Thailand's capital, Bangkok, a majority of the major cities in the Kingdom, affordable and convenient to three types of trains: Express and fast and normal. The train station in Hua Lam Phong Bangkok central station in all of Thailand. Advance booking is advised, especially for sleeping cabins.

Land Transport: Cars can be rented for those who wish to travel this way, but you must provide a driver's license Thai or international driving license, insurance and car. The minimum age for driving in Thailand is 18 years old. Driving system in Thailand is on the left of the street (according to the British system), and caution is advised Permanent especially of motorcycles and small that multiplication particularly in Bangkok. As for buses, they provide a way to transfer all the provinces and districts are very affordable, and going on the main lines to and from Bangkok compared to other cities. Bus company BKS government omnipresent which several types: local and Alxsprs (rot duan) and second class (chan song) and first class (chan neung) and first class (VIP) and first degree maximum (S-VIP). There is also a way songthaew truck returned engineered to become something like a bus (and there are those who call Minnibas) and of course Altktk (Tuk-tuk) is widespread in the cities as a means of transfer of small and fast.

Shipping: Thais called themselves the "masters of the water" (jao naam), where the shipping and boating one of the most important means of transport in the country. One of the most prominent types of boats Thai is "the boat long tail" (reua hang yao), a boat narrow and long and the engine when his guilt, which makes this type of boat was able to maneuver in all channels and even in shallow waters, but they are more suitable for short trips and is working as cars fare. It also operates a large air-conditioned boats and some great phrases, excellent pace in many places in Thailand. Nevertheless remains the best means of transportation other for very long distances and safer.