
Tourism and Transport

tourism and transport. . . 
Transportation sophisticated help to tourism development and prosperity 
Transport is one of the important reasons for the prosperity of tourism in any country, and by the ways and means of transport of all kinds are provided the requirements of tourism activities and promoting the destination, as well as being linked to the shrine tourist markets demand, which means that transport is the main base for tourism and exponentially, and also reflects the degree of urbanization and civilization and Macheraly over the country's economic progress. 

The booming tourism industry and recreation in the regions and countries of the world the various associated progress of the ways and means of transport, nor can the tourist sites that would be more attractive for tourists as long as do not have access regardless of what the offer of facilities and services, and affect transport fast and comfortable on tourism and recreation, distance and time are linked , and the speed of transport currently made ​​the world like a small village, and the matter tourist time that he have access to the tourist wants to go to, and goes some tourism experts to access the site tourism plays an important role hardly differs from the aesthetic qualities of the site itself. 

The transport facilities in most countries of the world have helped to create the cities and villages of the resorts, it has helped individuals who wish to spend their holidays in the recreation and leisure, and wanting to rest that go to these resorts, which provide them with these services, and no longer transport at the present time and the way to get to somewhere , but it has become a goal in itself, with the development of transportation experiencing growing tourism activities and prosperous not have been achieved without the transfer. 
The transportation of all kinds of the most important reasons for progress and development of tourism. In order to serve the ways and means of transportation and communication purposes tourist optimally should be available where the following conditions: 
1 Rest: The most important thing meant the tourist is the body comfort and peace of mind, The means of transport must provide comfortable seats with ventilation health and temperatures appropriate, and the provision of services from health facilities and bathrooms and provide meals or refreshments and provide breathers on the roads with the possibility to enjoy breathtaking natural scenery through trip. 
2 Security: of the things that encourages the use of means of transport for tourism and recreational purposes is that the application is a good level of safety requirements for people and luggage secure from loss and damage. 
3 speed: Choose the appropriate speed reassure them that the traveler and the timing of the tour under it, so that it is taking into account the psychological conditions for tourists. 
4 Capacity: work to create the energies of transportation for people and luggage to suit the amount of demand, that is characterized by a transport flexibility commensurate with the daylight hours during the day, as well as for the amount of demand during the seasons of the year and the seasons and holidays and vacations and religious visits. 
5 regularity: The timeliness of travel inspire the confidence of travelers and tourists help from exploiting their time better and provides better exploitation of the time, leading to optimal planning for tourism. 
6 choice: The provision of different times and multiple and repeated every day in buses and public vehicles to launch between two cities or two gives the tourist area of ​​check-in time that suits him for his travel and reduces waiting periods. 
7 inclusive: may include the use of tourist trip more than a means of transportation, has been integrated with some means to serve the tourist as integration of transport and car ferries or water transport, with trains or cars, or cars with airplanes. 
8 appropriate cost: The cost of transport ratio is a few of the total cost of the trip tourism, and any attempt to reduce the cost of transport will enable a greater number of tourists to enjoy the journey of tourism, and the state can support various means of transportation and delivery services at lower costs, particularly for tourists. 
9 responsibility: should bear the device and means of transport of passengers and luggage of tourists and the responsibility of this transport safely and ensure compensation for damages in case of accidents, disasters and calamities and loss of baggage. 
Mutual effect between the transport and tourism 
Human societies previously living in limited areas and isolated from each other, to provide ways and means of transport and communications of various types and ways removed this isolation, and fled the areas of mixing and overlap among them. Has led to the exchange of experiences and enjoyment by groups of features in a wider area was isolated. The evolution of ways and means of transportation to the prosperity of the tourism industry. Has created the transportation potential of personal mobility and the collective, and the exchange of views, and the selection of successful practices in the region and used in other areas, which encouraged significantly on tourism and led to the expansion of the concepts of rights and increase knowledge and rapprochement and harmony in the various events, and the higher the transportation services of all kinds best served the purposes mentioned more effectively. 
Most studies indicate that about tourism to the most important factor that affects the size of the tourist traffic is Osaranakl in particular, with its obvious impact on the overall cost of tourism. 
The idea of studying the impact of the transport of all kinds in the progress and development of the tourist movement is a statement of the strong relationship and mutual between the two activities, as well as the extent of the impact of the ways and means of transportation on the national economy and a link to it and promoting tourism, whether internal or external. 
We offer the most important ways and means of transport affecting tourism: 
1 air transport. 
2-river transport and maritime. 
3 overland transport of cargo. 
4 road transport by rail (rail). 
1 air transport: 
The Air Transport Association of great importance in communication between peoples and is considered one of the most transportation development, as it became supplies Travel and Tourism For several reasons, including the speed factor and time, rather than serving the tourist a large part of his trip to the means of transport by sea or by land, he spends his time enjoying the trip itself at the expense of time available in the transition. 
In addition, the aviation sector has made substantial progress became comfortable travel to the extreme, and the development of tourism in the class and economy class aircraft in order to encourage the transition from one place to another by air. It features air travel from other means of transport as follows: 
A degree of safety: Can not any trip that does not characterize safe entice tourists compared between the various other modes of transportation, and safety issue back to the tourists, as estimated by the thought. 
(B) Working speed: The fastest means of transport is to fly, it is easy to choose the means of transport by comparing the time it takes for each trip depending on each way, and then calculating the length of stay in the country of destination tourism, and it depends on the duration of the leave granted to tourists. 
(C) attendance, comfort and repetition: The provision of comfort need in the way of travel and type of service provided to tourists, it has a great impact on facilitating the travel of tourists and encourage him in it, as well as the importance of attendance in the travel dates because it is linked to the tourist for his trip and the duration of his vacation. There are four major steps attendance is a factor related to the routing of the place of residence to the departure station, and make the trip on a good face, and waiting for departure, and then reach out to the place of destination. 
D fare: For the wages of ticket aircraft, we find that there is a tariff unusual and other discounted for several days or weeks, or discounted for tourist groups, or discounted for young people, or discounted in seasons without the other, especially in the winter season when less tourist traffic in this chapter, or discounted in activating the movement of tourism to some festivals, exhibitions, especially marketing, as well as attending conferences. 
The air travel necessities and requirements of tourism in the modern era, but does not mean that this be underestimated and other modes of transportation, and still maritime and river transport in cars and trains its value in the transfer of tourists from one place to another, and still improvements thereto such as increased speed, convenience and provision of services constantly. 
The result was the introduction of the necessary improvements to the ways and means of tourists travel by air and using fast jets, and make improvements and provide better and faster service at airports has had a great impact in increasing the demand for air travel tourists, whether internally or externally. 
It is worth mentioning that most of the international airlines of the Organization for IATA agreed among themselves on the planning, organization and operation of services to complement the operations with each other, without competing for lines and attract tourists. 
2 maritime and river transport: 
The transportation by sea of the most important factors to attract tourists, particularly wages and transport ships much less than the wages of transport by air, as most of the tourists are currently of the middle classes with limited income. 
The shipping companies of the most important tourism potential, so it requires the need to build a naval fleet, reliable transportation in the huge numbers of tourists, and the establishment of modern sidewalks and so forth from the requirements of transportation and berthing and departure and arrival of tourists. 
The river transport, and represents the kind of individual and family outings more than collective, and this activity represents corporate and individual institutions and companies internal river transport, which should create sidewalks and Corniche on the banks of rivers, especially in the cities. And enters the river transport from door recreation and tourism and recreation often become a means of river transport in some countries the same place to stay for several days. The cost of river transport are higher than in other methods, especially maritime transport. 
And stop investing in river transport to a large extent on the size of the tourist movement and activity. 
The river transport in the Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq in the future is of great importance to the national economy and tourism revenues, where river cruises are considered for the purpose of tourism, entertainment and recreation for tourists. 
3 road transport: 
Road transport its means different from trains and cars in general and in particular, of the most important means of transport in influencing the size of the tourist movement in the world. 
Has focused on many of the states finally update networks and rail transport lines, and the use of high speed trains, comfortable and air-conditioned, and processing stations, travel and access for the convenience of tourists and using the latest technology in the book and sell tickets Kalhacob mail and automated machines. 
Most countries have focused on land transport facilities and established many of the highways, bridges, tunnels and stations break to facilitate the movement of the citizens of those countries and tourists. 
And established a number of countries and institutions trucking companies, and used large cars and modern fast that provide comfort and safety for tourists and travelers it. The private sector also contributed in some countries, the establishment of a number of companies specialized road transport. 
Has led the facilities provided in the roads and vehicles to activate tourism movement and reduce travel costs and move and raise the standard of living of workers in the transport and tourism sectors, has resulted in the development of rail networks and the use of trains modern in some countries to the emergence of many cities and tourist resorts, and also led to the development of tourism and entertainment in those countries are very large. This has led the development of road transport types also to the prosperity of the tourism industry in many countries. 
And indicates many experts in the field of transport and tourism to be there a correlation between tourism and transport, and transport sophisticated help to tourism development and prosperity, and that the expansion in tourism has led to progress and various means of transportation.