
Months 5 sites suicide turned to tourist attractions

View site «LEST FERCE» American, in a report 10 months tourist attraction sites that people are flocking to it from all over the world without knowing it basically suicide sites and they are still statistically recorded a record number of suicides.

1 - Tunnel psychopaths
Became the subway tunnel to London and one of the most important places where a lot of cases Alantharmund the 19th century, in the forties, amounting to 25 cases a year, and in the eighties and reached 100 cases, and in a documentary film presented in 2012, reveal the store workers in the tunnels of the bodies of suicides in boxes and cleaning stores until the time comes for burial.

It is said that the reason behind this number of suicides due to the establishment of the tunnel near the psychiatric hospitals, and because a large proportion of the victims were psychopaths.

2 - Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower has become one of the most important places of suicides in France, since that case Hhdol suicide in 1898 when he and a young 23-year-old hanged himself on a rail ribs prominent tower, then rolled cases thereafter until the present day.
The government is keen French always on the blackout in the media on this phenomenon, so were not sure of the exact number of suicide bombers who have been saving two of them, one of them was a woman fell from the first floor of the tower above one of the cars, and said she has been married to the owner of the car after that.

3 - Bridge suicides
The bridge «Nusle» wonderful and located in the most beautiful areas of the Czech capital, Prague, bridge ominous and spot suicide notorious, to the extent that the locals call him b «Bridge to commit suicide» where committed suicide about 300 people jumped from it since it was built 40 years ago.
The city authorities have tried to reduce the incidence of suicide on the bridge by adding a series of link fence and tighten safety measures it, but this has done little to curb the exotic reputation of the bridge.

4 - Beachy Head cliffs white
This is the slopes stunning kidnap the mind and the southern England hotbed of cases of suicide since the 17th century, is experiencing an annual 20 cases of suicide, and in 2004 appeared Society volunteers are

called Chaplaincy Team was able to since they appear to 2013 to save 252 cases of suicide over these cliffs.

5 - Angel gap
Recorded this gap, which contributed to the composition of the group on one of the slopes of Russian islands, the largest number of suicides in the whole of Russia since 1800.
And managed a Russian citizens, residents near the ramp and called without Richie, in an attempt humanity of it to reduce the incidence of suicide there, doing trick is simple, managed through which rescue more than 160 people over 50 years, where he was to go to the offers to commit suicide and ask him to come to his house to Atnaola tea together, so called the «Richie» angel, and the place «gap angel».