
The idea of travel and self-confrontation

The dialogue was written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho, which is the idea of ​​traveling, but we will find that it is also the face of the franchise itself and
The rejection of inertia

With transitional recently for my new apartment and found a series of comments on the talks with the "c" that belongs to a group of mystical particularly interested in the study of oral, 2 and symbolic language in the world tradition, and these observations covering the period between February 1982 and 1990, and he recently asked for permission to share parts of these texts and agreed (and ran)
- I said, go on the road to Saint-Jacques is important, and if we have to give up everything for a while for the sake of it, everything: family, work projects, and I do not know if I would find just as it was when I came back

In fact, I hope you will not find anything on what was
So I have to accept the risk of losing everything I've got?
- Loss of what? One has only spirit derived or lose, regardless of its life, do not have a thing, life in the future or your life in the past does not mean anything, you now live your life, and you must done quietly understands and enthusiasm and enjoy what we must not do is lose enthusiasm.
I have a wife that I love her
(Laughter) This is the most common excuse and more excuses madness, love did not stop a never realize their dreams, if they like you really'll rather see you, and if at all you do not have the woman you love, the woman is not your, which has the power of love leads, and you can be channeled this energy anywhere!
And if I did not have money for Hajj?
Travel is not always about money, but a matter of courage, I spent a long time in your life, such as damage to the world of individual hippie 3, which was money with you then? You can not pay the ticket price ever, and yet I am convinced that this period was one of the best times of your life, you eat bad eating and sleeping in stations do not, you may contact because of the language barrier, and you're forced to rely on others for that find shelter for the night.
Travel is something sacred, I have traveled since the dawn of human time .. the sea or on the ground; search of grazing and hunting in the heat and in the cold or in the best conditions, the absence of human beings who are able to understand the world without leaving their homes, when they travel, and I'm here I not speaking for tourism but for the unique experience of Rahlh- shows four important things in your life:
One by one different from then disappear protective barriers where it can be painful but soon begging Iatadha one then begins to understand: that the interesting things outside the scope of his garden fence.

When the unit can become a great and irresistible; deceive more open with people who disagree with them in general conversation
The server, the other passengers, the driver, driver, passenger next to you ...

We begin to rely on others for everything, find a hotel, buy something, how to take the train, then you begin to realize that relying on others is not a curse, it's a blessing versa

We talk in a language he did not understand, and uses the money does not realize its value, and wandering the streets see it for the first time, and everyone knows that what he has learned is worthless in the opening to the world and new experiences
"The experience of travel is to stop being a person trying to do, to become a person who you are"
1-symbolized by the teacher, who is the European Sufi Coelho and was met in the late seventies and early eighties, and studied years, and he calls the habit "Professor" Sufism, and in this play tells bits discussions with him about the idea of ​​travel, speaking of the spiritual path, and indicate to the idea of ​​spiritual journey / space.

Oral traditions in two different denominations inherited sign orally from generation to generation, that the teachings of the commentators and commentators on the original text of the doctrine or biblical tradition

3 young rebels in the sixties who refused everything, and Achriston everywhere in search of meaning