
The monsters in lakes tourist

The lake monster of the most mysterious phenomena and an abundance of eyewitnesses and an asset in photographs and movies, and is characterized by eyewitnesses in this phenomenon seriousness and prudence however remained monsters Lakes phenomenon puzzling, despite its presence in certain areas and well-known, and the beasts of the lakes is not confined to one continent there Champ in Lake Champlain North America and Manabjr Lake Innibajusys Canada and Aozhubjr in Lake Okanagan western Canada and the AISI in Lake Ikeda, Japan, and the beasts of the other lakes in Sweden, Ireland, New Zealand, Africa, Russia, Australia and Ailanda, but the most famous monsters Lakes is Nessie that object watery fearsome, who lives in Lake
Tess or Loch Ness in northern Scotland, which hit a record high in the number of viewers who have reached so far about three thousand scenes and in the intensity of scientific efforts to filmed underwater and speaks Francis Hechnj position biologists of this phenomenon, he says, there attitude is common among some biologists that if you can not get Ali something material are dissecting properly in a lab, the phenomenon is not worth attention has appeared this position clearly at the end of the debate that his administration BBC about sea snakes in February 1961 when a student one liners opposed to the idea of ​​the existence of marine animals is unknown inhale air live after his time natural Bmlaan years student model it can be an autopsy, saying I think he can not prove the crime when Fkaddon body and despite the existence of many of Views reliable and attempts at photography and cinematography, scientists believe the presence of these objects giant throwing less support from scientific bodies and traditional Valdctorh Dennis Tucker offered herself to blame part of the body natural History Museum in London Ali wasting her time in the study of the phenomenon of Loch Ness monster. 

However did not execute the phenomenon of monsters Lakes interesting number of zoologists faithful who have made the effort and time to study the phenomenon in spite of all the objections that they throw from their colleagues have written the world of natural history of the famous Sir Peter Scott in the most important scientific journals British Nichar say those who have worked over the years to check of the creature Nessie may have given us a range of evidence, strong and because after that we become about access to the scientific evidence of the existence of these creatures must have to give more attention to the studies most advanced, which will provide us with the passage of time, a detailed knowledge of installation anatomy of these animals and their characteristics and history of ethnic and research conducted to explore and monsters lakes do not stop at more than one aspect of the world Ojo Pogo in Canada, led by Dr. James MacLeod, head of zoology at the University of Manitoba campaign Find monster Manabjr use nets and divers to clear lake and Innibajusys in which they live, he says that many of the witnesses saw something clearly and to prove that what they saw caused by a natural phenomenon or an object District known it can not be that we accuse of lying and monster Lakes Canadian most popular is the Ojo Pogo which is nearly in this most famous monsters all Nessie and Lake Okanagan in which they live take shape Tabanaa along the 128 kilometers in southern British Columbia and displayed no more than never to 3 kilometers, but a deep and cold, a carved in the period rocky land as a result of refrigerators, the ice age, as is the case with Lake Nessie and the shores of the lake densely populated stretch roads near the beaches and so the views beast does not need of the population to a special effort . 

In 1976 girl said she saw him standing at the parking lot garden Kelowna In 1977 appeared the monster in the face of yacht club on the west coast and hyper-habitual residents it says some of them when they're driving along the lake and shows them do not bother to get out of them, especially in cold weather, and content themselves with its follow-up through the windows of the car and Ojo Pogo has a history of Old Indians Rouge ancients Kanu call it the long name is Tahaha H has been accustomed to carry with them in the boat a dog or a chicken when crossing the lake users boats traditional small they are if the back of the beast soon, including the Forces him the victim that with them so they could continue their journey safely has aroused the beast early settlers in the seventies of the last century saw Mrs. Ellison wife of an evangelist as envisaged by a tree trunk floating in the water,
but that thing's disease suddenly moves across the lake in the opposite direction of the wind and current, and so began a series of views that continued even today in 1976 it was Aadfeltcher with his son,
Diana in his boat Bukhari strolling over the waters of Lake Okanagan when he saw a body floating unknown object to the way he said Fletcher Lula I stood up the engine in the right moment for you collided with him or stepped on his back because the boat veered through the monster on after 10 meters of it was Fletcher soon from the beach at the Bay of Gelatli enabling a return to the beach and bring the camera and take a friendly neighbor Slafter then return to the boat where it appeared to him the monster again, he says this time was able to see the length of fully and I think that has a 20 meter stopped the boat's engine when we approached him and we were at a distance of 15 meters when I picked up the first picture has enjoyed displays full of it for an hour was immerses then floats to a distance of two junctions of the intersections of the road on the beach reappears throughout this you Alahakh boat was diving creature appeared more than a dozen times and I was able to pick up his five Pictures and was the monster crumples Ali himself when floating and then flattens out when you stop, but even in the case of shrinking the length of at least 12 meters has said daughter Diana that his skin was soft and brown like the skin of the whale with small protrusions on the back and thought Slafter that the length of the head, he was 60 centimeters or more and he Oblate from the top booklet snake with two things prominent head Kozna dog from a platoon Dobermann movie monster and between April 1977 and August 1978, published local newspapers dozens of reports that were often backed by certificates of a number of trusted figures among these reports foregoing by Harry Stinas which inhabited the western shore of the lake came the report I did not believe his presence before, but Dorna Bakarbna about that thing and we reserve the distance between us and him reach a hundred meters has said in describing it like a snake black Sea, and its length is 11 meters and it is during Aovernm was rising and falling with his own body. 

The first film of the monster has been captured in 1968 at the hands of Art Wolden of Chase, British Columbia, who was driving his car in a visit to the lake when he arrived at the side of the road rises from the surface of the lake significantly and at a distance of about one hundred meters from the water, noticed something in the lake underneath switch off his car for the first time in the history of the prosecution of the beast conditions were favorable this time where she was with the man God filming 8 mm and a telephoto lens and the film is ready in advance in the camera stayed by some meters that have not been photographed after this addition, the man was calm nerves was able to take advantage of this meters in the filming of the beast whenever he shows above the water underwent movie Wolden to study the minutes as expected in such cases, and depending on the image of a row of pine trees that have appeared in some cadres researchers agreed that this thing reaches a length of 18 meters or more and there was no disagreement about the speed of movement, but the film did not show an impact of what was said by some witnesses of deflation monster about himself when swim has seen the film, Ms. Arlene Jack of Ocana committees, which is considered one of the biggest as resource on the subject of the creature Aozhueogo then studied the reality of backgrounds and Alamamyat shown in the photos in a row declared confidence the integrity of the film and it's real does not include any trick and he depicts the movement of a form of life is known in the lake or were Jean but Aozhueogo still so far escapes from trying to contact him closely have volunteered sixty people were lowered into a cage at a depth of nine meters in the lake that provide the machines imaging and lamps Lighting powerful used by aircraft in landing and in order to capture an image of the night for a monster and then there was a plan to take down the electrodes in the depth of the water to push the monster to the surface when he sees the power supply in the deep water, but these ideas were not successful. 

Thus remained eyewitness accounts Sindh elder details form the beast has passed Mr. McLean publisher Kilouna Daily Courier personally viewing experience monster when he was sitting in its own garden on the shore of the lake opinion nothing has three camshafts similar to tires after 15 meters it was diving that thing in movement undulating and describes the seven men of the Red Cross how they have seen close to the city Napetkon They said that the color green tends to brown Aker and length of 8 meters shows his head high above the surface of the water and look from the back three camshafts and it seems that the share of Canada from these monsters is greater than the other It has also in the Lake Manitoba and Lake Innibjusys up between the two Dauphin River that monster known as Mainbjr which involved the rest of the monsters in lakes dribbling ability or the ability to bring in all the confusion of so fails to see filmed. 

Like what happened in 1960 when he appeared before a group of amateur trips were erected tents in the garden Matitoba scene was more like scenes comedy movies Brothers Marx picked up one of the women camera own and rushed to the water's edge and lifted the machine into her eyes and she fell into the water and grabbed another woman machine Imaging and darted to the opposite direction to accompany her husband instead of heading on the monster for his portrayal either Tom Locke has had the Air photographic and Other Imaging Film The impact of the use of the latest has found it difficult to run the camera at the beginning of it, but when he succeeded in running was accurate in the follow-up to the precise movement the monster portrayed by a floating and lowers the lens to the direction of the water when diving into that disappeared monster then discovered after all this is that the camera does not have a movie I have raised the appearance of the beast and the lack of success in capturing a picture of him a sense of frustration among all those who were in the garden and the reality of Views can muster description accurate monster Mainbjr Oblate head like the head of the snake skin dark color has three camshafts on the back I had a family and Ahalok watching monster on that day and the husband said he saw the beast with his wife and child have supported this by another man, Mr. A.. Adam, who later monster along the beach, he said he saw a monster with female partner and child Champ monster George and to the south of the lake there is Lake Champlain, which extends from Canada south through Vermont and even New York State observed the Americans with monster Lakethm Mil Champ is not the best of luck neighbors Canadians despite what enjoyed by Ciampi of wide acclaim and was the first of Rah discoverer of the lake itself, Samuel Champlain, who enter the panic on the heart of the upper class when he took a group of them in a picnic boat steam across the lake in the seventies of the last century, and near the end of the last century, said the owner of the amusement park Barnam for a reward of $ 50 000 dollars to anyone who gives him the skeleton of the beast, but that his appearance in the side beaten by New England was rarely in the novel lady Janet Taylor, deputy police chief in Istbonit which faces her house lake she saw a creature dark pave the way in the water at all machine guns from the water in the cove in front of her house it was his head out of the water for a distance of a meter or a meter and a half and when he ran to the telephone to notify the police returned to find it had disappeared. 

In 1947, it was Lee Jones of Swanton catch fish with two friends in the boat said it was the fish swallow the bait is encouraging and we were about to take the anchor when we saw in our response machine guns skyward from the water despite the fact that the lake was empty of boats over the sight and the water calm and then suddenly appeared out of the depths of the lake large body Dark emerged from above the water surface three distinct parts clearly separates between each part and the other about meter and a half of water, suggesting that the length of the creature seven meters and a half has been the whole of the boat on that these parts were for one creature rushes in the water speed of 25 kilometers per hour remained under their sights for three minutes and then disappeared and is rumored to have been catching the child of these monsters length of six meters in Lake Berpauna in 1871 and he was pushed into the water using its tail and feet, and the beasts of the entire United States, such as Champ looks shy introverted for cousins ​​in Canada or for the sea snakes that Ataatoagaf submit their reviews before the beach New England and this Vmshahdat monsters lakes that said Indians existence Tgi occasional and rare for men White Vhuhed once a monster 14-meter in Lake Walker Nevada in Lake Flathead Montana have been repeated Views to the extent that one of the companies spotted Award thousand dollars to those who hunts any creature from the lake over a length of four meters.