
The importance of tourism in the world

Tourism has now become the world's most important sources of national income of the countries. Even in some countries it has become a source of the first and undisputed because of the return great material provided by tourism to the state treasury 
But NRA statistics show the impact of the industry has pointed to recent statistics tracking the World Tourism Organization that more than a billion dollars on a daily basis on the disposal of the tourism sector and that 11% of the workforce in the world, distributed in various fields 

This statistic has been confirmed conclusively that tourism has become pursuant are the most in the world. 

Despite the efforts of the Arab countries in the development of this industry from a national perspective, but the aversion which gets allocated tourism calls for a pause of officials to find out the reasons and motives behind the sizes and develop practical solutions to eradicate this phenomenon 

We find ourselves in front of the dilemma may now seem unclear, but it is with the lapse of time will throw a shadow on the labor market, especially as the Arab region now constitute a meeting point for civilizations different world and there are statistics compiled by the Department of Tourism in Dubai show that even the end of 2001 received the Dubai 10 million tourists any number by more than three times the population of the UAE 
As in 2002, this figure has doubled 
Here we talk about the effort only one city, what would be the result if Tzafart all the efforts of Arab countries? 

The Arab region is rich in all the elements of the prosperity of the tourism industry on different backgrounds 
Starting from the end of the religious tourism and recreational tourism or cultural tourism and even medical tourism has the lion's share for the rest of the world